Good morning! Today I am pleased to welcome Anne from Unique Gifter who will talk about how she made money thanks to her friends and neighbors. Let me know if you would like to guest post on Make Money Your Way.
Well, that title sounds a bit funny, don’t you think? Guess what? When you hear everyone talk about networking all the time, this is basically why everyone is constantly telling you to network! That might be by attending (or hosting!) a speed networking event, going to industry gatherings, or just chatting with your neighbours. In some fields, such as real estate, people are constantly hustling, because every single contact they have may one day turn into a sale. However, most of us work by the hour, or salaried, so do not consider ourselves to be constantly ‘hustlin.
Just because we do not work in commissioned sales, does not mean we shouldn’t get out there networking and letting everyone know what we can do. One of the most common ways that I see this is on blogs. When people are looking to pick up freelance writing work, SEO optimization and virtual assistant work, they usually tell people and put a “Hire Me” page on their website.
“Sure, that’s fine and dandy, but I’m not a writer or an internet money maker” you say. Don’t worry, that’s why I’m here writing today. I want to tell you about two opportunities which came my way, because people knew what I was able to do, regardless of whether or not they were related to my “day job.”
#1 The Job Offer
One day, completely unexpectedly, I received a phone call from a friend and colleague. Now, I don’t know about you, but I do not often receive phone calls asking me if I am interested in jobs. I’m not talking about recruiting phone calls, which are also usually unexpected and offering a looser version of a direct job offer. This was a lot more concrete in nature, as my friend was going to be going on maternity leave in a few months (which is usually one year in Canada) and had been asked if she knew of anyone who would be a good fit to fill her role while she was off.
Here’s the catch: her job is very, very different from my day-to-day job. I work in the Finance department and she works in a department that can best be described as Public Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility. So, why did my name come up? Volunteering and networking. I use some of my free time to do volunteer work in industry based groups. I am able to develop an entirely different skill set, and have a host of other people observe those skills, beyond the folks I interact with at work. For that group, I do a lot of event planning, advertising and engaging with the greater community. It also allows me to meet a lot of people.
Moral of the story: Get out there and network! It can be a really great way to change the path of your career, and to find opportunities you never knew existed! This also reinforces the notion that most jobs are not advertised, it’s all in who you know.
#2 The Opportunity to Bid
This is another opportunity which came my way, completely unexpectedly, because of my neighbours this time. I have a Martha Stewart complex. I try to be Jill of all trades, including wood working. I recently (finally!) completed two major woodworking projects, a built in wardrobe and a bookshelf unit. Naturally, we showed them off to friends and neighbours. About a week later, the condo board in my building had a meeting and were in need of someone to make a large sign for outside. One of my neighbours asked if I would like the opportunity to bid on the job, because he had seen my handiwork. This was another, completely unexpected, opportunity to make money, because those around me knew my skills.
In short, I am advocating for both developing a wide range of skills and for letting those around you know about your varied skills. I also recommend a TED talk by Elaine Collier, who speaks about more of the advantages to being a polymath, beyond the direct financial aspects.
Note: On this post I talk about how my mum has been promoting my skills as a baby sitter, piano teacher, tutor and so on ever since I was a kid and helped me make $1,000s in my teen years. Letting people know about what you do or can do (say you are an accountant but renovated your house by yourself, letting people know that may land you some renovation jobs) is a great way to make extra money.
About the Author
Anne spends most of her time writing about creative, frugal and fun gift ideas at her site Unique Gifter. She also works on some side hustles and financial security is important to her and her spouse, so they save a lot. If you like to spend time on twitter, you should follow her @UGifter!
This post was featured on the Carnival of Money Pros, thank you!
moneystepper says
In so many aspects of life, the old adage of “its not what you know, its who you know” is so true!
moneystepper recently posted…Free competitions – how much can you earn?
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Yes, in many surprising ways, too. I just helped a coworker with some questions she had on house purchases, because I have a background in that too!
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
DC @ Young Adult Money says
So true about networking! It’s amazing what you can accomplish from simply knowing people. I interned before working at my current employer, but what most people don’t know is how networking factored into me landing the internship. I went through three rounds of interviews and sadly did not get an offer (this is also when I realized how many more accounting jobs there are than finance…seriously like 2 finance internships to 20 accounting…and I was a finance major). I found out a family friend worked at said corporation, and had actually worked with the head of college recruiting in the past! I called the recruiter as I had planned to and said I appreciated the opportunity to interview and would still like to intern if anything opens up, and also that I have a bit of an advantage because I know someone at the company etc. Our family friend also called on my behalf. Needless to say, when someone dropped out I was in! Though I still like to think I would have gotten in either way 😉 It’s tough competition for internships, though, so I think it certainly did not hurt to have some connections and have someone who could vouch for me.
DC @ Young Adult Money recently posted…Why I Rent An Old Car For $500 A Month
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Oh wow! Well done! It sounds like you played that situation very well.
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
FI Pilgrim says
This is basically how I got the job I’m currently in. A friend from my church worked for a company who was losing their IT guy, and since I had helped them with their home computer a few times they asked me if I would send in a resume. 11 years later, I’m still here!
FI Pilgrim recently posted…The Power Of Our Own Expectations
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
11 years later, nice! That’s a great, great example.
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Laurie @thefrugalfarmer says
So true, Anne! Especially now in the online income world, I’m learning just how very valuable networking is. Thanks for the great tips!
Laurie @thefrugalfarmer recently posted…Starting Your Marriage on the Right Financial Footing
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Indeed… and so many people are willing to share their knowledge and refer their friends.
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Daisy Coleman says
A fantastic point is made in this article. People often feel pigeon holed in their day job, especially as they move up the ladder, but they need to make sure they pursue other things outside of their day job that are a complete contrast. This will a) keep their life interesting and well balanced and b) Keep their options open for additional work / a career change in the future (which is what the article talks about)… You also make the point of networking, this doesn’t come natural to some people, so if it does then make the most of it, if it doesn’t try a little harder. I too as a teenager picked up lots of jobs from knowing people, babysitting, paper round, dance assistant, waitressing, banking work at the hospital, it made life a whole lot easier…So the point I’m trying to make is try hard, stay focused, keep things varied, try and be good at as many things as possible, try things even if you think you will not be so good at them, talk to meet, talk to people and take opportunities.
Daisy Coleman recently posted…Had enough of working for somebody else?
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Diversity is key, yes! Outside of work activities let me do so, so many different things and develop new skills, apart from what I have to focus on here. Sometimes they end up being very valuable back at work. For example, I am just starting to chair meetings at work, but have been doing so in volunteer committees for awhile now.
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
John S @ Frugal Rules says
Good post Anne! As the saying goes it really does come down to who you know so often. I always say to remember that networking is a two way street as you never know how you could help out someone who has a need. One of the benefits of that is they could help you out some day as well.
John S @ Frugal Rules recently posted…Taking the Plunge: The Day I Finally Said, ‘ Quit Your Job ’
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Yes! It is definitely a two way street. Lots of people need a gentle nudge sometimes, to put your name out there for you. Saying “If you ever hear of anyone looking for X, I’m looking to do some paid work on that” can go a long way, especially with the vastness of the internet networking realm!
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Stefanie @ The Broke and Beautiful Life says
Networking is huge in any field and in every aspect of life! That’s why I always try to be a nice and good person to everyone- you never know who’s going to give you the next great opportunity.
Stefanie @ The Broke and Beautiful Life recently posted…Seasonal Spending: How to Prepare for Black Friday
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
That is a very, very good point that you make. You really never do know. It’s also very nice to hear years later about how things worked out, or things that are a result of something else you did. I ran into a lady I know from a past volunteering gig and it turns out her daughter was applying for the same position as I have, in a different part of my company and I was able to answer a bunch of her questions via email. Turns out, she landed the gig! Being approachable can go such a long way.
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Kim@Eyesonthedollar says
You can be the best at X,Y, or Z, but if no one knows about it, it does you no good. I don’t like to seem like I’m bragging, but you need to let others know what you’re good at. I had a guidance counselor who once told me that if you don’t toot your own horn, no one is going to do it for you. It sounded funny at the time, but how right she was!
Kim@Eyesonthedollar recently posted…Please Vote To Help My Business
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Good point!
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Todd @ Fearless Dollar says
Hi Anne! Did you end up taking that job??
Todd @ Fearless Dollar recently posted…How Investors Lose Out To Emotion [Infographic]
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
No, I didn’t, for a few reasons, but I did consider it! Funny I didn’t mention it, but I referred another person I know and she is probably going to get the position!!
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Matt Becker says
I think you’re spot on here. Networking is actually something I wish I was better at. For some reason I never really feel like I know how to kind of casually keep up a relationship with people. But I think your suggestion to simply get out there and do different things with different groups of people is a good one. That’s something blogging has definitely helped me with, though I could still be much better than I am.
Matt Becker recently posted…Staying Safe With DIY Car Repairs
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
I also wish I was better at/found it easier to maintain relationships. One thing that’s neat about online is it’s not quite as face to face, so it seems easier to talk about things like “hey, I’m trying to get more freelancing work” than it is with everyone in real life. Online you can just throw it out there for all to see.
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Budget and the Beach says
You are vey handy!! I try to let me friends know as much as possible things up up to so they can be my freelance evangelists. 🙂
Budget and the Beach recently posted…Visiting the Land of Fire & Ice
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Love that term! “Freelance evangelists” 🙂
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Bryce @ Save and Conquer says
Like others, I got my job right out of college because one of my professors had a friend who had just started a company. I interviewed with my professor’s friend and got the job. I am still working at the same place 28 years later.
Bryce @ Save and Conquer recently posted…Networking to Help Our Niece Get a Job
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Wow, that one lead sure paid off for you!
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Mark Ross says
That’s really true. Networking can be very beneficial to you in a lot of ways.
Mark Ross recently posted…The Potential For A Property Bubble in 2014
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Indeed it can.
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Jon @ MoneySmartGuides says
A lot can be said about “who you know”. When you are in the circle and have connections, it is so much easier to get the things you need. This is why it is so important to keep finding new friends and acquaintances. I recently was at a party and started talking to a guy who turned out to be a graphic designer. We have many of the same views so the connection was instant. He is now working on redesigning one of my blogs for a lot less than I would otherwise have to pay.
Jon @ MoneySmartGuides recently posted…5 Ways to Ensure Your Car is Ready For The Winter
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Nice find! That’s great that you were able to meet someone new and click right away, in a very useful way.
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
Canadianbudgetbinder says
Thanks for some great ideas. I think it’s very important to let people know what you do because you never know when you will get that call. I have neighbours asking me all the time to help them do things around the house because they know I am handy. I don’t always have the time nor do I charge them but it’s nice to help out when and where I can. If they slip me a few bucks or a case of beer I’m happy.
Canadianbudgetbinder recently posted…Kids: Healthy lunches and a happy budget
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
A case of beer is definitely worth a helping hand!
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
MonicaOnMoney says
This is the perfect example of the power of networking! I am always amazed at how much friends and family are willing to help.
MonicaOnMoney recently posted…Feeling Stressed? 22 Halloween Deals for Only $1
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
It’s so true! I’m always willing to spend a few minutes writing information emails or chatting with people on the phone and find most people are also willing to do the same, sometimes it translates into even more lucrative time!
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…Making Money Because People Know You
robert@moneyrebound says
Nice post Anne. I would love to be a good networker but it seems to be one of those skills you either have or haven’t got. I have never seen a networking training course which could be of use to me, for example.
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
…Funny that you mention it. It’s semi related, but I have a series at right now on how to host a speed networking event!
Anne @ Unique Gifter recently posted…The Cost of Hunting in British Columbia
Simon @ Modest Money says
One can never go wrong with more networking efforts! The bigger one network is the more opportunities seem available and the easier it is to exploit them. There is certainly no arguing with that.
I have also landed a job that way. A client I had worked with in the past heard from his business friend who needed help with a project. I tend to keep up with even old clients incase something pops, so this client asks if am interested and the rest is history!
Simon @ Modest Money recently posted…Barclaycard Rewards MasterCard Review
Daisy @ Prairie Eco Thrifter says
I’m a big advocate of networking, because you are right, it can lead to many opportunities. I have recently had an interview because of a member of my professional network, which was great. It can be hard for some people to do, but it’s worth it.
Daisy @ Prairie Eco Thrifter recently posted…7 Things You Should Teach Your Kids About Money
MoneyAhoy says
Networking and being a Jack/Jill of all trades is how you can really land those awesome deals or jobs that will just plain be unavailable for most people who haven’t taken the time to develop these skills or networks. I couldn’t agree more!
MoneyAhoy recently posted…Saving Money vs. Making Money
Christina @ Easy Financial Tips says
You never know who knows someone who can put you in a position of power. That’s one reason why it’s important to do your best and show others what you’re made of.
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