Good morning! Today we continue with our series about making money online. You can check the previous posts about Starting your own website, Choosing a name, domain and hosting, My July blog income and stats, How many hours are you willing to put in?, Blogging mistake #1: blogging in the dark , How I got my Alexa below 100K in 8 weeks, Monetize… Read more
Viewing category: Blogging
Blogging mistake #1: Blogging in the dark
Following our series about how to make money blogging, we have reviewed how to start a website, choosing a name, domain and hosting, how to make money depending on the hours you are willing to put in (you can also check my July income for both sites). My failed attempts at making money online I failed at making… Read more
How to Build a Profitable Blog in a Week
This is a guest post from Simon Cave. He is the founder of the Becomer the place where entrepreneurs find inspirational content, actionable tips and insider strategies from millionaires. Let me know if you would like to guest post on MMYW. Let me get this straight, making a living by blogging takes time. You must create content,… Read more
Blog Income and Expenses Report, May 2016
Welcome to my monthly income report! May was a busy month personally (starting to sound like a broken record, right?) and I finished the redesign on MMYW but didn’t have time to do Savvy Scot’s. Income was the best this year, finally what it should be every month to reach 6 figures blogging in 2016…. Read more
April 2016 Blog Income and Expenses Report
Welcome to my monthly income report! April was the good month that could have been so much better. One of my posts went viral on Savvy Scot just when I had taken down my ad banners. With over 100,000 pageviews just for that one post (that’s about 80% of a normal month traffic), I lost… Read more